Remix OS : The Fall

Remember when a company came out of nowhere back in January and promised to deliver Android will full desktop experience to the masses? If you are that Android fanatic and always wanted it to shape up as a desktop OS, chances are you heard of Remix OS. Jide Technology, the company behind Remix OS released their own device running the OS in late 2015, followed by a "mini-PC" called Remix Mini. 2017 saw them release a x86-based "Remix OS for PC" for everyone to download for free and run it natively on their Intel PCs and Macs. It was a huge hit because it was light weight and breathed new life into old hardware, and with a few tweaks you could even get Google Play Store running and have all your favorite apps! Complete with UEFI support and OTA updates (till now), it seemed Remix OS had a huge potential to be a complete desktop replacement.

Yesterday, Jide Technologies posted to its social media why it is moving away from further developing Remix OS. They explain why they are moving away from consumer market to focus ‘solely on the enterprise space’ going forward.

"Over the past year, we received an increasing number of inquiries from enterprises in various industries, and began helping them build great tools for their organizations by leveraging Jide software and hardware. We see huge potential in the role that Jide can play to revolutionize how these businesses operate. And given our existing resources, we decided to focus our company efforts solely on the enterprise space moving forward" 

Further stated, Jide will discontinue development of its Remix OS and also all of its consumer products, like its crowd-funded "mini-PC" Remix Mini. Remix IO/IO+ that was funded on Kickstarter back in 2016 has not been shipped yet to the customers, and if you are one, it is better you drop the hope. But there is nothing to panic as the company stated that it will start the refunding process from August 15 onwards.

“We’re proud of what we’ve achieved with Remix OS and the response it’s garnered from around the world,”

It is very disheartening as we had very high hopes for the development in this space. Nevertheless, the backbone to this project, Android-x86, isn't going anywhere. Android-x86, though still under development, has now an Android 7.1 version available. With Android becoming the most used operating system around the world recently, we can really hope for a neat x86 alternative to make headlines once again.

Are you equally affected by the discontinuation of Remix OS? Let us know what are your views. Have a nice day.

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